Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday and a quip

And now let's hear from Boo:
Last night I was happily using the computer when Meenie angrily screamed.
I said to Boo, "What are you doing to her?"
"I was being Pat." replied Boo
"Pat? Oh, Paaaat, right." I agreed. " You mean from Hop on Pop?"
"Yes!" agreed Boo with a huge grin.
So this is my reward for teaching my child phonics, he acts out a page from a Dr. Seuss book.
Don't sit on that!


Audrey said...

I slept like that when I was about 7 months prego with ds15m. I had debilitating kidney pain. Sleeping like that helped a little. :)

Meliss said...


Paige said...

Thanks for sharing!