Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekly Report

We are just winding down the school year here. Handwriting and science are finished, with occaisional review exercises in handwriting at my whims.

So we are pretty much left with trying to finish Math and Phonics.

This week was a slow week but we managed to get up to lesson 94 in 100 Easy Lessons- after today only 5 more lessons to do! YAY.

We're 11 lessons away from finishing Saxon Math K. Some of them are so easy that we can do multiple in one day. There is one lesson where we have to compare sizes of leaves, well there are no leaves around to compare yet, so I am trying to find something else!

Geography, which is Boo's current passion, is just ongoing. I think we're up to naming and locating 15-20 states.

We went out to two restaurants and visited a friend on Thursday, so that was about it for field trips. Good manners practice on all occaisions to go out though.

I am thinking and hoping to have K wrapped up by the end of next week.


Paige said...

Hope you are able to wrap things up next week! I left you a comment on my blog, thanks for yours!

Ruskin said...

I still often tease the children that I am sending them off to a Swiss finishing school for table manners! I have come to the conclusion that it is the one thing I don't seem to be able to teach.

Tina in WA said...

Wow, you're so close to being done. Great job!

Yes, going out to eat is a great way to practice manners. :o)
