Saturday, April 26, 2008

What did we actually get done this week?

OPG- Lesson 49-56

FLL-Lesson 6 -9

Handwriting and Copy work-4 days this week

Memory Work- "O Sacrament Most Holy" I think we've got this down so we'll be moving on next week

Saxon, Lesson 6-8

History: SOTW Ch. part 1 and review questions from What is History and What is Archaeology, Make a family history book
SOTW Ch 1, Part 2, review questions and cross references
Cave Painting
Map activity

Science: Continued Bean Sprout experiment and observations for journal
Began Seed Needs experiment
read How and Acorn becomes a Tree or other library books experiment

Geography: Maps and SOTW work, Maps Charts and Graphs lesson 2

Art: How to Draw Lesson, learned how to draw a dog's face and a house with landscape

PE:Trips to park all week-- plenty of climbing playing and exploring

Music:listened to classical music, Scottish music, and folk music

I've created a monster!

A future doctor....

Boo looooves this book:

We're doing Plants right now. He wasn't supposed to even see the book until we began the Body unit. Now I can barely pry it from his little hands. I bought a stand up skeleton model last night and he is BUGGING me to do it. It is the type that you have to assemble. He has memorized many of the bone names and internal organs and their functions in just two days!!

(I purchased this book at a wholesale club for $10.99)

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