Monday, April 21, 2008

Book Review and Plan for the Week

The infamous Saxon Math- Level K

You can pretty much purchase Saxon Math from anywhere. I think Seton has the best price, but I could be wrong.

For the record, I have not tried any other Math program, I'm sticking with Saxon, because it works and Boo is happy with it.

What I like about it:
  • Boo likes repetition, and it is repetitious, he thrived on the Meeting book
  • It is scripted, though I do not always need it, it is nice to have on days I can't think
  • It is fun, we all enjoyed the manipulatives
  • No distracting pictures

On it's implementation:

  • The meeting book could be skipped but I thought it helped with calendar skills
  • I used the arrows in the meeting book to write whatever number Boo could count to. We then practiced counting to that number each month and then used the rest of the arrows for subsequent numbers
  • Not all lessons need to be repeated twice
  • More than one lesson can be done in a day without being overwhelming
  • The program is more appropriate for a pre-schooler, 3-4.5 years old
  • I never did the estimating activities later in the book
  • some of the activities require practice, like skip counting, or even regular counting, for younger children

Plan for the Week

Language Arts:
OPG- Lesson 49,50(M) 51, 52 (T) 53, 54 (W) 55-56 (F) 57,58 (S)
FLL-Lesson 6 (M) 7 (T) 8 (W) 9 (F) 10 (S)
HW- Seton, extra practice- all week
MW- "O Sacrament Most Holy"-every day
CW- Continue practicing name- all week

Saxon, Lesson 6(M) 7 (T) 8 (W) 9 (F) (10) S

SOTW Ch. part 1 and review questions from What is History and What is Archaeology, Make a family history book (M)

SOTW Ch 1, Part 2, review questions and cross references (T)

Cave Painting and Map activity (S)

Continue Bean Sprout experiment and observations for journal (M,T)

Begin Seed Needs experiment, continue Bean Sprout observation, read How and Acorn becomes a Tree or other library books (W)

Green Hour Challenge (TH)

Work on observation pages for experiment and finish any books borrowed from library (F, S)

Practice US Geography- all week with wall map update on Monday
New Hampshire Map for US Notebook (T)
Maps, Charts and Graphs, Lesson 2 and continents review(F)
History Mapwork (S)

How to Draw Lesson (F)

Trips to park all week and possible Green Hour challenge on Thursday to be considered

Learn one Catholic hymn and listen to classical music- all week

St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism- all week


CookieMonster said...

Hello, Philothea,
I came to your blog from the WTM boards. I love the set-up of your blog. Your very thorough reviews are very helpful.

I am intrigued because my son, a year younger than yours, seems to be heading on the same track: doing first grade material at five years of age. I was afraid I would be overwhelming him by doing a full curriculum at 5 as you do with your son. But, perhaps not.

Tracy said...

I agree. Saxon K is very gentle . I used this with my 2nd daughter and she did very well with it. I'm going to be starting it with my 3rd daughter who will be 5 here in a few weeks . She's finishing her Kumon worksbooks first :>)