Sunday, January 27, 2008

First Impressions Part II

My second encounter with homeschooling occurred when I was in junior high.

We had a girl in our grade who was pretty much a spoiled, rotten brat with the most permissive parents in the world. She was the first person to get her eyebrow pierced, this was before body piercings were common place in public schools. She constantly paraded around her immoral lifestyle, which her parents supported her in. Her parents also allowed her to use drugs.

She could not even do the most simple work or sit still to take a test. She was constantly arguing with teachers, disrespecting them or sleeping in class. I think the teachers must have had a party when her parents decided to pull her out of school.

So she was taken out of school and homeschooled, I do not know what happened to her. But the event added to my impressions that homeschooling was for people who could not do all the "hard" work in a public school and that homeschoolers were social misfits. I also thought that her parents took her out of school so she could do nothing all day and have fun. I just could not see this person taking part in any educational experiences. This added to my former belief that homeschoolers took the easy way out and that we students in the public school were superior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your first impressions are not only interesting...but very honest! I enjoyed reading them. :-)