Title: A Year with God, Celebrating the Liturgical Year
Publisher: Catholic Heritage Curricula (Little Way Press) 2005
I own this book and am reviewing it because I am using it as an enrichment material for our religion lessons and for the ideas and crafts in relation to the Church year. We try to incorporate the feasts of the Church into our home life as much as possible.
- This book is spiral bound, so it lays flat and it is easy to keep your place. I really like spiral bound books for their convenience.
- Permissions for reproduction among family members, plus they will give group permissions, so the book is a good investment
- Can be used for multiple ages, depending on creativity and skill I would say that anyone from young children to adults would enjoy the activities in this book
- Nice Catholic graphics for projects, like the Sacred Heart, angels etc. Wholesome illustrations
- Clear instructions and a wide variety of ideas for celebrations and parties to incorporate the liturgical year into home life
- Best part, to me at least, is the All Saint's Day section
- Uses the Novus Ordo calendar, so adaptations have to be made for the parents. One example: No Time after Pentecost, instead "Ordinary Time."
- Quotes from liberal Novus Ordo personalities and sources
- Includes Novus Ordo saints
- References to Novus Ordo service that traditional Catholic families probably cannot relate to
- Uses a bit of fluffy language and themes that are common to the NO
- Does not incorporate the traditional abstinence and fasting laws or Ember days
- Reference to abortion, a topic that parents may not want to introduce to young children
Overall, this book can be great for following the Church year with some adaptations. It definitely is helpful in bringing the wonderful feasts of the Church into daily life and is an asset to any homeschool book collection. I think that this book is over-priced, I would either recommend sharing the cost with a friend or trying to find it used.
1 comment:
Just happened upon your blog while researching this book (trying to find a discounted copy). So glad I found your review! I'm always worried about NO influence and your blog helped me to decide not to purchase this. I'm looking for more traditional books on Catholic culture and celebrating the litergical calendar in the home if you have any ideas!
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