Thursday, October 9, 2008

I never thought I would be this excited

Boo is really picking up the pace with learning to read. He is often readin over my shoulder as I sit at the computer and read or type. He's reading everything around him and every lesson is going faster and faster. There were days I would DREAD doing reading lessons due to the snail-like pace.

But that's not what I am excited about. I am excited about the fact that I actually like to teach math. I've never been a good math student, and I have never liked the subject, but I like teaching it. Apparently, Boo and Meenie both enjoy learning math, evidenced by the fact that Meenie can count and understand the concept of numbers and Boo is doing addition now at age 5.

I guess that is what is so great about homeschooling. At five, I was in half-day kindergarten, where I was with all the other children who had not learned their ABC's yet. I do not remember any type of math, but I do remember that there were addition facts involved in Kindergarten.

Some people would say, that you have to let kids play and be little kids, and so on. My kids have more playtime than children who go to school. I've estimated that the average school child has between 2-3 hours at most, of play per day (not counting recesses at school). Many children have homework, dinner and baths to take care of in the evening after school. How much time does that really leave for playing and being a kid?

So even though I try to push my children to reach their full potential, there are over 8 free hours per day, in which they have to be a kid.